ribbed tank, daiso. jeans, vintage. heels, primadonna ph. bag, apt 9 (via khol's, most likely). bangles, vintage and Dumaguete City souvenir shop. necklaces, f21 & aizilim.
Something simple (also, really cheap, like the jeans is only 10 Php and the tank, 88 Php...the tank being less than 2 USD when converted) and lazy for a Saturday afternoon in, binge watching a south korean drama.
I again meant to double post today but since I'm currently hung up on a drama and I'm trying to finish this by today or tomorrow, I won't be able to. That wardrobe dissection post will take longer to finish granted there's more photos of items to be included in there. It should be up by Monday at the latest. That post is long overdue according to my personal timetable for this blog.
Meanwhile, yes, something grey, cognac/light brown and comfortable for the Saturday afternoon. It's windy outside but still pretty humid. Rain is likely going to happen later.