Saturday, February 23, 2013

a pop of orange

Blogger-life has just been made easier with blogger's ipad/mobile application I managed to grab for free today. My internet has been nada for two to three days now so pardon the scarce uploads recently.

This somewhat quilted leather skirt might be the best to come out with me from a thrift shop yet. I got it last week for less than a little more than a dollar---technically, 50 Php (currency in the locality)---and as they say...ka-ching! No one bothered getting this in the nearby thrift shop which makes me...well...lucky enough to find it. This is basically what happens when I try to limit my spending in thrift shops to just one item. I was only there to search for a decent knit jacket or hoodie for the unpredictable rainy days but I found this and couldn't just let this go. I totally did not mean to spend so much on clothes this week though 100 Php (nearly a couple of bucks) isn't much, or is it?

Monday is the anniversary of the EDSA revolution and the teacher for Drama/European Literature class won't be around on Wednesday therefore I have four days of catch-up reading for thesis to do and actual thesis-writing. Yep, it shall be a full week before hell-week next week. Time to get started.

tee, robinsons department store (blacksheep label); leather skirt, thrifted; bag, secondhand Aldo; boots, bracelets, necklace, forever21

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