Monday, February 24, 2020

pictures and my new kicks! yay!

Two new pairs of shoessss! Can you guess which ones? Kind of wish the Chloe x Doc Martens ones are still around but I guess everyone else cool has snapped them up on eBay and everywhere else otherwise. I did see one for sale eBay but way out of my budget, as per usual.

The bulk of my clothing budget goes to shoes. Yes. It rarely goes to clothes and a few others. Typical of a shoes obsessed someone. I don't really mind if they're a tad bit uncomfortable either. Hmn...yep.

More pressing matters at hand: the COVID 19. It's wide spread in South Korea right now as well. I hope everyone stays safe. It's still somehow well-managed here in the Philippines and the 1 death we'd had recorded here is an elderly Chinese man. I think some of our own countrymen have tested positive for the virus but there's nothing really definite about that one yet, either. But as it is important to take the necessary precautions, still, I was not really THAT surprised that SM Downtown Premier in my area have temperature checks and large containers of alcohol at the entrance. All their entrances are, I think, equipped with those. Good one, SM! What I'm more surprised about is that Ayala Centrio, the better mall I kind of prefer, do not have these measures. I haven't been to the other one, Lim Ketkai Mall, so I can't compare the three yet. Anyway, what I mean to say is that as someone who doesn't really go out as much and just prefers to do most things online and in smaller shops in the Divisoria area of the city, this hardly affects me much. One of the necessary precautions is not to go out to crowded places because you never know what you'll get there. The COVID 19 may be quite rampant there, we don't know. So it's best to be safe than sorry. 

Let's find better ways to entertain ourselves in, yes? Yes.

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