Thursday, June 13, 2024

my go-to brands on the orange shopping app these days, this year, 2024

I'm still here and I'm still alive. I've just been hibernating from this space, this blog for, I think, the past two years now. It's not even a very long absence or hiatus anyway. I guess I could be forgiven for this? Hehe.

Just a quick catch-up and let's get started on this post!

***** A quick word before we/you and I continue on from here... *****

This post contains affiliate links. They are there to support the blogger, writer of this space. Funds are of course needed to maintain this one and the creator of this, herself.  They are also for the convenience of readers here to shop this post and other succeeding ones.


Before we go to the main post, let me just say or leave, maybe address? a few things about my attachment (obsession rn?) to the orange shopping app I know some people, especially those I know mutually on social media (X/Twitter), abhor because of their pathetic choices for endorsers way back during our country's, the Philippines' national elections campaigns or campaigning period. Of course, this is some years and years ago. Maybe 3 or 4 years now but it was a pretty big thing on there and it still gets me from time to time.

The TL;DR of this part of this post is just that even though Shopee PH has blundered a lot like as the one mentioned earlier above I'm not going into details on this one, btw as I don't want my space here for everything light and fun and just fashiony, stylish for something as tiny but it was a big thing then as that one in the past, way, way back, it's still worth being there to mainly support our local makers who're working hard to provide us with things we need daily. Not all of the people in that shopping app are that bad and most are just making a living, their living, there after all. It helps to keep supporting the app and the local sellers, makers there to keep our local economy here going and well...because there really are GREAT deals there from time to time. When I say GREAT deals, I mean...really awesome deals. Buying from there can get waaayy cheaper (and more convenient too!) for the ones who want to save up on the moolah (money) and stay in the comfort and convenience of their own homes at the same time.

Anyway, the next part of this post may be a long one before we go to the main one so bear with me...

*****On the Shopee PH App and Site, shopping small and supporting local*****

I've mentioned above that some people in social media I follow or I'm mutuals with hate this shopping app because they, their management and their marketing team have poor choices in the endorsers they get and even their politics can be pretty sus. I totally get this one but seriously, out of all the shopping apps I've had over time, for some reason, I've stayed with this for convenience. Other than that...and I'll share more on this one can also get good/decent savings from shopping here. There's something about buying stuff, shopping at Shopee PH I like that just, ugh, I hardly regret any purchase from here because... Just because. Personally, I like to follow local makers and producers on this shop site/shopping app and support their businesses. 

Shopee PH has a plethora of local to only here in the Philippines brands you've and even I've never heard of selling stuff from beauty and self care products to clothes, shoes, accessories and more whose products are of good quality and even quite comparable to the ones abroad. And most of those sold abroad are even either made here or from any other South East Asian countries like Indonesia, Thailand, and Vieetnam or China anyways. I looove browsing around Shopee PH to discover these ones every now and then. That's the fun thing I like about this shop site/shopping app.

If you've followed me since my livejournal days and until when I transferred, moved to blogging here, you'd know I'm an ardent Zalora PH shopper. I go there to get some things new once in a while, especially shoes/footwear. They just have a lot of good selections on these there. Funnily though, Shopee PH has these now too so unless I can't find a good second hand, vintage pair of ankle boots and such, then I'd default to hunting for one or two pairs of this in Zalora PH. I still would shop Zalora PH for World Balance (Zalora PH) athleisure and athletic wear, specifically footwear. They're a pretty good local brand for good everyday walking and running/jogging shoes plus they last quite long for me as someone who likes to do a lot of walking when I can. I was able to get a pair in Cebu City once with some family and friends, at the Ayala Center/Mall there and that one lasted me around 2 years maybe until it gave up on me. Hehe. World Balance (Zalora PH) footwear don't break the bank and are well-made so I don't mind getting a new pair from there for whatever from time to time.

Funnily, you can also get World Balance (Zalora PH) athleisure, athletics wear on Shopee PH. You might be able to get them cheaper, even, if you shop on their sale days but I'd like to use my Zalora shopping account still from time to time, so... You'll definitely find good deals on footwear and apparel from them on Shopee PH too, however. If you want bigger savings on the footwear and apparel from this brand then definitely check out their official shop on this orange shopping app.

You'll know from my past posts that I'm a Watsons PH, it's a drugstore/pharmacy, girl through and through. Medicine/medication, vitamins, skin care, self care, makeup,....I always check Watsons PH shops here for those of these I need. There are about 3 of these that are just 1 ride away from home here so if I need something there, well...just a quick visit there will do and then I'm back to my being my homebody self afterwards. Now, sometimes, there are things you need or want that aren't available in stores in Watsons PH and if that is the case, then again, I'd default to Shopee PH. Beauty and skin/self care brands--big and small, imported and local--have their own online stores/storefronts on this orange shopping app. Even the Watsons Official Store (Shopee PH) is there. The only thing I like about shopping Watsons PH stuff in store is that I can use my SM advantage card/SMAC there for points reaping and some random discounts. I don't really shop anything Watsons PH on this shop site/shopping app for this reason however. I am more into discovering new to me small local brands there than regular ones I find in store/s very easily.

Other than Watsons PH, some from Shop SM stuff are also on Shopee PHSurplus PH (Shopee PH) are there too though like Watsons PH, I would rather shop here in person at SM Supermalls/Malls almost everywhere. We have 2 SM Malls/Supermalls here so yep, I normally go there for Surplus PH (Shopee PH) stuff I want/need. Lately, when I need some practical wardrobe updates, other than maybe getting some packs of Hanes and Fruit of the Loom basic white and other colors tshirts on Shopee PH, I'd go to Surplus PH (Shopee PH) in store for comfortable, thin, oversized (ish) tshirts and other trendy (ish) pieces of clothing. They sell factory overruns of those also sold in fast fashion brands here, there and everywhere so you're sure to find some good stuff there at really good prices. I mean, sure, Uniqlo might have pieces that are classic that last long if you took care of your clothes well but yeah, they're still pretty overpriced along with the likes of Mango, Forever21, H&M, Cotton On so this is my go-to for wardrobe updates now when I'm not really keen on thrifting or I don't have much time to thrift stuff. However, I always have time to thrift stuff as it's like, my cardio they all, the youngsters of today say, iykyk.

At this point, you may be asking if I ever shop Temu, Shein, and/or Tiktok shop like many now do...and the answer to this question is, I don't. Shopee PH is very similar to those 3. Most things on there are still made in China and sometimes, you may end up with products of very bad quality if those are the kind you go for. Not all of them are of poor quality but most could be. For instance, the flagship clothing and accessories store of Shopee PH, Lovito PH is like Zalora PH's Zalora brand and its many different sub-brands/lines. I know of or I'm aware of some influencers endorsing this one but I dunno... I find Lovito PH stuff to be on the sus side like Shein stuff. I've just never been tempted to get anything from there at all in all the time I have been shopping, buying stuff from this shop site/shopping app.

I do like Shopee PH because it's convenient to shop there and I can save some cash per item/s I buy there per store I like to shop from--it saves me from having to go to chaotic malls most of the time--but the only thing about this one I dislike is that it promotes overconsumption and this is exactly why I don't shop at the others: Temu, Shein, and even Dazy, and Tiktok shop. I like to spend now on only the things the matter and those I know will last long and local, regional made stuff are these among others.

One thing I wouldn't shop too local on this shop site/shopping app however is food and maybe some skin care if/when I feel like, for example, getting into or trying out some South Korean brands or Japanese ones. You could shop food and drinks locally there, yes, but like, mostly for skincare, some South Korean brands are already there so if you're into this one, then check out their official stores at Shopee PH for their offerings. I'm sure you'll get good deals from both the official stores there and local merchants that import and sell these there too come some sales days and more there. Skin care, cosmetics, especially the imported ones can be more expensive bought personally in stores (Watsons PH has them and some grocery and department stores here, too, just keep your eyes peeled for them in those places here) vs buying them online on this shopping app/shop site.

....and now to the best part of this long *ss part of this post, here are some tips to help you navigate and shop stuff better at Shopee PH:

1. Go local. Go very local. Shop local. Shop very, very local (or regional if you want to check into the offerings of shops from our next door neighbor's like Indonesia's or Vietnam's).

The thing about shopping local or regional is you're can be sure the quality of these businesses items are good because they are carefully handcrafted and all for their clientele, buyers. Price wise, they tend to be priced right for their buyers, too. Fast fashion brands' stuff can be so much more expensive compared to those from local and regional (South East Asia) shops on this shop site/shopping app...especially when they're new drops.

You're also helping their business and the local economy when you shop this way on Shopee PH. So far...I have yet to regret the local and regional clothing and shoes/footwear finds I've bought/gotten from the orange shopping app/shop site in passing (last year, two years ago until now). 

I always, always get excited when I find a local shop in Shopee Ph with stuff I know I'll like and keep in my closet etc that I would even get some of them in multiples. Lol. When I can, anyway. 

We'll, I'll take you on a deep dive with me on this later in the succeeding part of this post. I'll walk you through on some of my recent favorite local and not-so-local/regional, South East Asian Shopee PH shops so read on for that one. Shopee PH can be difficult for one to navigate without some kind of a guide like this.

2. Stack applicable coupons or vouchers and collected coins (you can get these by reviewing products you've bought from the shop site/shopping app and by playing the games on the app daily or almost daily, if you can't do the former) on sale days like the 8.8 one or 9.9 one onwards on top of your free shipping vouchers/coupons.

This is how one finds really good deals on Shopee PH.

There are a few ways, maybe 2 or 3 of these, well, more like 2 of these, to get coupons and vouchers from Shopee PH and the stores selling their wares there: one is to follow stores there that are, for example, new to you. They usually have some welcome discount vouchers for their first time buyers. Second, on sales days or on some days like, when the shops you follow are doing some promotional events and such, you can get coupons and vouchers from there you can use on a single purchase. You usually are given Php 5-10 or even as high as Php 20-30 off the original prices or totals of what stuff you're checking out of your cart with these. Keep a watchful eye out for these when the shops there that you follow have like, anniversary sales and more.

There are also free shipping coupons handed out to people, their buyers/clientele by Shopee PH. You can use this or these too to get a 50% off on the shipping fee or even get your purchases shipped out to you for free. And if you live in a place like somewhere in Metro Manila where there's a drop off and pick up point nearest your home, maybe even hotel (if on a short trip in Metro Manila/NCR) or so for your Shopee PH item/s, purchases, definitely choose that option for receiving them. Usually, these are free shipping already so you're off the hook from paying the shipping fee with this option and your spending will be lighter, your pocket/wallet will definitely thank you a lot for this. This is super helpful when you're in the metro up north and getting groceries from the shop site/shopping app to avoid the annoying city traffic and more--wasting precious time that could be spent better at home.

Then, you have the Shopee PH coins you accumulate over time you can use on top of free shipping vouchers, shop-specific vouchers or even discounted prices due to sales days (8.8, 9.9, pay day sale and so on). There 2 ways to get these: one is to rate and review products you've bought off of the shop site/shopping app and two is by playing the in app games. I do both almost religiously because Shopee PH coins are just...they're super helpful.

Yes! You can stack all three of these for great deals on groceries, your daily needs/wants like cosmetics, beauty products, and even clothing, accessories, clothes and even household appliances, gadgets or tech stuff and more. 

Personally, I don't shop just on sitewide/shopping app-wide sales days because I know that there are always going to be sales anyway even when 8.8, 9.9, 10.10, 11.11, 12.12, and payday sales have passed and free shipping vouchers are available almost daily there now. I do/did the same when shopping on Zalora PH. The latter always has the clearance sales, the outlet of their shop site/shopping app anyway. Note that many shop on those sales days so you might want to avoid checking out stuff on your Shopee PH cart on those days, when you can, because the site/app could crash or something. They haven't...yet, it's fine so far if you do prefer to shop stuff there during the shop site-/shopping app-wide sales/sale days.

Now you know this, all of these and you've gotten some helpful tips here on how to shop smart on Shopee PH's online shop site and shopping app, let's go and dive deeper into my current favorite local brands to buy stuff from, from there in the next section of this post.

***** my go-to brands from shopee ph (orange) shopping app/shop site, mostly, 2024 edition *****

And so...without further a-do, let's get on with the main topic of this post!

As the title of this post says, there are some things, clothing brands in the orange shopping app and site, Shopee Philippines/Shopee PH with some pretty interesting pieces stuck on or inside my mind rn. I've gotten some stuff from these stores and I have been incorporating them in my wardrobe a lot lately, too. Let's just say that I attempted to make a post some time back on Leisure Supply on both Shopee PH and Lazada Philippines/Lazada PH but it never really made it live so this will be included here. I'll try to make a solo post for this one and some other brand from this shopping app/shop site later if that's something you'd like from me and to read from this blog.

For now, this post is a list of local brands, more like a top 3 of the local brands I like a lot from Shopee Ph recently and why I'm very much into them now. Let's get started!

You can shop stuff from my favorite local Philippines brands discussed here on the links peppered around, throughout this post! I'm kind of aware that sounds redundant...I think it does or it comes off that and I'm prone to redundancy myself but meh, whatever.yy I've already mentioned earlier at the beginning of this blog that affiliate links are everywhere here so...hehe. Take of that what you will. (And thank you again for supporting this blog and the one behind this, me, if you're buying anything linked here or so.)

1. Leisure Supply on Shopee PH and Lazada PH

This brand has inflicted a ton of...a WHOLE LOT of damage to me and my wallet last year. This year, it's just one or 2 items from them yet...and sort of counting as I'm eyeing some others from them to add to my closet. Yet, anyway. Haha. Yeah, I'm on pause yet from buying from here until further notice just because... I have a lot of clothes now, thrifted and not thrifted (from the shops on Shopee PH mentioned, listed here) so yep, buying ban it is until further notice.

To date, my most recent acquisition from this local, Philippines-built and -based brand is their muscle tank in this Tuscan (yellow ish, very pale yellow) shade or color:

It screams summer to me and I think you'll be seeing me on this on my 'gram fairly often. I feel like I should've ordered 2 pieces of this had I known I'll be gravitating towards this often from the things I bought or normally buy new in my closet/wardrobe.

This muscle tank is ribbed and its cotton fabric is pretty thick. I think you can go braless with this one and there'll only be a faint hint of your twin peaks seen through this because of its cloth's thickness. You just know by its cloth's thickness and how neatly this is made that this piece will last you a long time. It's certainly this way for this one for me. 

Leisure Supply PH products are well-made. They are locally produced and likely, I think? with local raw materials. When you buy from them both on their Shopee PH page or account and their Lazada PH one, you're supporting the local makers, sewers, weavers they employ and the brains, too, behind this lovely local brand. They mostly make or produce basics. They do have some fun patterned ones too, from time to time, on their online shops/storefronts but they are very far and very few in between. I'm in deep looove with their basics. They're now my go to for basics here aside from SoEn PH [Shopee PH] for Philippines made undies and more, of course.

I bought this muscle tank top from Metro Manila, at my uncle's in Caloocan City to be exact, around the later part of my week-long, May 12 to May 20 Metro Manila trip last month. It took just around 1 day from when I'd checked this out of my Shopee PH shopping cart to the day I received it or picked it up from their drop off and pick up point in Katipunan, Quezon City. When I'm here at home in Cagayan de Oro City, it usually takes me 3-5+ days to receive anything from the Luzon island from Shopee PH, like, especially when the shops I'm ordering stuff from are based in NCR or Luzon. Seriously? I am not the fondest of Metro Manila, NCR and Luzon in general thanks to the traffic and how cramped things seem to feel like and look like to me there but the 1 day shipping or within the day shipping/delivery of stuff ordered from Shopee PH is definitely that one thing I like to exploit or make full use of whenever I'm there. The family's new place is in Katipunan, Quezon City so the pick up point for my Shopee PH orders is just a few steps away from that place to ML or MLhuillier pawnshop, Katipunan.

For other things I did while in metro manila--hint, hint, I went to check out a curated vintage, thrift finds, secondhand and others pop up event in Makati City with a very good friend there on the last Saturday I was there--you can posts on those in my public instagram account here: crysta0917. I may make a blogpost about this one, I don't know yet. We'll see...

If you're just around the metro up north or maybe the provinces surrounding it, Luzon in general, and if you ordered stuff to try out and Leisure Supply PH (Shopee PH) and/or Leisure Supply PH (Lazada PH), I mentioned earlier their base is in there so you're assured already you'll be receiving your orders from them after just a day like I did this tank top while I was there for a week or so. Again, repetitive, I know.

Anyway, going back and staying right on topic...sadly, I can't find this tank top and its bright cobalt blue aptly named the Club Blue variant on their Shopee PH site anymore so...that's sad. They're also sold out in both shades/colors on their Lazada PH site and app. I may be one of the lucky few who bought off one of the last ones of these on the former that week I spent in Metro Manila doing stuff.

They might restock it one day so in the meantime, you can stalk it here if you like the Lazada PH site and app better:

I guess this muscle tank is quite the best seller from them. I'm also going to camp here and wait for a rerelease of this in Club Blue since lately, I'm such a blue girly. Scratch that, I'm mostly a blue girly. It's my favorite color. Hehe. Opposite to this one, I borderline detest the color pink and I would rather have it in smaller doses in my wardrobe just because...haha...

I'm coveting a few other things from them on their Shopee PH site like their corsets but holding myself down from buying some more because I've already about a closet/wardrobe-full of their stuff as exhibited here (and I have 1 unworn thing from them too, a bodysuit in a shade/pattern that's already also soldout).

Here're a few other things from them I love and still use on rotation when, whenever I can:

Leisure Supply Reversible Embroidered Tote Bag/Beach Bag in Sand (I think? It's an old shade) 

You can find other shades, newer shades of this bag on the link above. To me, this bag looks good in both Treasure and Paradise. I have them in my cart now but I don't see myself getting them any time soon. I have 2 other tote bags in mind I want to get from other small sellers on instagram/the 'gram so I'll skip on this one and just use the one I have some more when I feel like doing so. I'm currently just stalking those in my saved favorites on my account and my Shopee PH cart. Haha.

And still, more things from them I like, I've acquired from some time ago (last year onwards to this year):

I'm fairly sure my attachment to Leisure Supply PH started with these, their soft baby tees. I currently have two of them. This one in the photo is the softest, soooftest baby tee from them I bought some time ago. It's really cool on the skin and I regret nothing getting it that time, yes. It's just super cropped but well, they started out selling everything cropped including their tank tops is on brand from them. They just started releasing non-cropped stuff recently...maybe late last year and early this year. If you're not too into anything cropped, you can look into their non-cropped offerings on both Lazada PH and Shopee PH sites, app pages. I'm on and off, pretty lukewarm on cropped anything but I'm currently stalking this Leisure Loose Cropped tee | 100% Cotton in the Essential shade/color so we'll see how long this self-imposed ban on buying (I mentioned earlier briefly above) from them goes. Heh.

You can shop their soft baby tees here:


and here, for the newer, cuter designs and in pink!

You can also shop these here:

La.Fatale on the 'gram has gotten me into tube tops lately, maybe around last year?, and now, other than two or three or more I bought second hand from that Davao City-based online vintage shop, I have these two tube tops from this brand. Hah. Seriously. It's awesome to wear out and about especially on some hot days during this rainy season. It's divine to lounge in especially in the extreme heat of the summer, yes. You can shop the slim fitting versions in a wide variety of shades here:


and here:

Last but not least, their tank tops or core tank tops. They're pretty cropped, too, for those who love the cropped tops:

You can shop their tank tops here:

As I mentioned earlier above, I also have their 

....well, one of their bodysuits here in Monochrome (black and white fine stripes) anyway but I have yet to wear it out. It's just sitting in my pile of clothes yet, waiting for its time to shine and hopefully it'll be any time soon now. I have my eye on the heart patterned/printed one for days I'm on self love mode or for valentines/hearts' day, likely next year. I hope I don't run out of this one by then. I mentioned I'm not big on pink but I make an exception of the color and lovey-dovey cute pattern on occasions like this...these. Haha.

I'm a sucker for Leisure Supply especially on Shopee PH (again?) and other than the heart patterned/printed bodysuit, I'm also looking to get a baseball cap of theirs because I like baseball caps/hats as much as I like running caps/hats more. Oh and other than that, I love buying Leisure Supply PH stuff off of Shopee PH because of the reasons posted above on my reasons for supporting brands, small business owners here.

My pro tip to buying Leisure Supply PH stuff on Shopee PH is to shop during the sales with your accumulated Laz or Shopee coins. ....or whenever you have free shipping vouchers/coupons sitting around in your account, waiting to be used. You can get stuff at 0 shipping fees and minus the coins you used on the item/s on Shopee PH! Bonus if there's an event or a category sale going on. You can check out their stuff at even, maybe around 25% off of it's/their original price. Ugh. So, sooo good. Such good deals when you're there and the savings from purchases like this? Just as good. Ugh. Oh and don't wait too long to get something from them when you can. A lot of their stuff sell like hotcakes on most days. I guess they're getting more recognized now which is good. I'd love to see this brand grow in reach over time so I'll definitely stay by them somehow.

They also occasionally do some pop ups around the metro. They posted on their instagram account some time ago about them having a pop up at a certain mall in Metro Manila. If you don't like shopping stuff online and prefer to see them in person first hand to justify buyign them, you can always keep your senses on for the next pop ups they will be having. You can check updates on their events, pop ups here: the Leisure Supply PH instagram account if you want to see their products up close and in person before deciding to get into them or buy stuff from them.

Ordering stuff online and receiving them 3-5 days after checking them out from your cart is super convenient. It is, to me. I don't need to go to the mall and flit from one rack of clothes to another in search of something I need (want to update my wardrobe with, for instance) and peruse the department store's contents there one after the other, basically waste my time when there. I can do other things instead like hang out at a cafe and work from there while I wait for my orders to come in the mail for me hence why I like shopping on Shopee PH more than shopping stuff in person and like, often. That's just...srsly...a waste of time and money that could be used or spent for something else (including house chores or some other).

Just a pro-tip when shopping online, though, read every detail on the about the product part of what you'd like to buy/purchase. Know your measurements well, too. I'm a size large now and I know it very well so... I would normally go for clothes in large, medium to large. In some cases, I would go and size up to XL or XXL when I want something like a baggy fit or when the store's sizing runs smaller than usual or what I'm used to. Shop owners, sellers in the orange shopping app usually leave out some tips for you on that part of the page so pay close attention to the details there before ordering so you have nothing to return or to give away to someone else just because your order/s didn't fit you at all. This is especially a very useful tip for when you're shopping for shoes/footwear. Most of the time, the true to size ones are more of those with thin or narrow feet. The ones with flatter or wider feet (like me) would have to size up once or twice to get the right fit for shoes/footwear to fit them there. Reviews on these items are fairly accurate so pay attention to what people say on sizing on their reviews or ratings of the products/items you're interested in buying off of there to avoid getting the wrong size in clothing and footwear. This'll save you from having to return some stuff you've tried on to the seller, too, and it can be a hassle dealing with the courier and Shopee PH, shopping apps and shop sites in general on this one, returns, I mean.

Anyway, Leisure Supply (Shopee PH), seriously. This brand has done its damage to me and my non-existent funds well over time for new basics and I'm quite into super good quality, well made basics like the ones they make/produce.

Maybe you can say some of their stuff are pricey but I think they're more just priced right. They're somewhere in between SM Superstore, Surplus prices and new drop fast fashion prices from what I'm seeing. Other local shops with their own designs, prints etc can even charge higher on their goods from what I've seen comparing those with Leisure Supply (Shopee PH).

I will say that no money is wasted on the stuff from this shop because you're supporting local, especially the makers, weavers, sewers and all they employ and you're purchasing good quality stuff, clothes that'll last you a lifetime (you can even hand down to your kids/daughter when the time comes).

Let's go to the next one:

2. Girl Almighty tees (Shopee PH)

I'm not entirely sure if they also have a Lazada PH shop but I know them from the 'gram, their 'gram and just found that they have the cutest baby tees! I gave in on the hibiscus one last night because the tee I originally liked off of their 'gram is out of stock on their Shopee PH shop.

I'm sad the baby tee I like is out of stock now but I'm also happy the hibiscus print (baby?) tee is available in my size because I loooovvee hibiscus flowers. It's the tropical girl/coconut girl symbol...flower, (Hawaii islands' state flower?) yes and I am one growing up in the islands here so...yep. I can't wait for it to come in the mail soon! You can shop it here:

I also have the Trauma print tshirt in my Shopee PH cart waiting to be checked out, soon. I think it would make a good tshirt in common with the girl friends because seriously, this, trauma dumping on one another, ranting about life, people in our lives etc is a thing my bestest girl friends and I are the best at whenever we meet up somewhere, in cafes and more. Lol.

Anyway, the tee I originally wanted was the Vacation but that specific print is out of stock now. There's still the Mirror and the Espresso prints however. I'm not a huge fan of both. I don't really like nor am I a huge fan of coffee, anything caffeinated and I usually just have this one once a week or so. Haha.

I kind of am expecting something more from this shop, brand so I'm looking forward to their new stuff now. I think they're working on cute tops so I'm keeping my eyes out for those. I hope they produce the cutest tank tops in large, my size. Ugh.

Random update but I'm stalking their regular or long tees/tshirts rn:

I'm eyeing the I'm Just a Girl one with the cat graphic print/style and the more minimalist martini one but I don't drink anymore so I think it's more the first one for me. I'm not sure yet. I just hope I don't run out of what ts they have rn, these long ones, once I've decided to get one.

....and last but not least... ....or not because there's still a fourth one now...

3. Stitch It by J and C (Shopee PH)

If you're looking for decent, well-made, locally made athleisure clothes that do not break the bank, this shop is it. I've been drawn to their

....for a while now and I'm currently contemplating getting it in sepia brown because I'm into brown lately. of 9 a.m. this morning, I've bit the bullet on this one have have checked out the only remaining sepia brown set so I'll be back here and on my public 'gram to report to you, all of you on or about that set. I want to use them separately than as a set because I think they'll integrate seamlessly into my wardrobe that way so we'll see. 

Now that I have the sepia brown set coming in the mail the soonest they can ship said VERY recent order out, I'm looking into getting both the grey/gray skirt and the dusty blue set next. This is one set or parts or half of a set that are a must have in the wardrobe in different colors because the design is soo classic they'll gel together very well with pieces you have existing there already. I'm excited for the boatneck top the most because I've never really had anything like it and I'm into silhouettes like this lately. You'll find them being common in some of my upcoming 'fit posts on the public 'gram and some upcoming hauls posts I have lined up in my head the soonest. I'm definitely going to be a repeat buyer of this brand aside from being one of the other two's above.

I mentioned earlier I'm a blue girly but I'm also a grey/gray, brown, and yellow and sometimes, green girly. I just always disliked black for a reason so I only have spare stuff in that color/shade in my wardrobe. I am getting into colors more frequently now and it's really helping me the summer, tropical islander, coconut girl/gal I am at my core. Where I am, it reaches 30 to 40 degrees Celsius (the latter, especially so in Metro Manila up north from here) so it's imperative for me to skip on wearing too much black and other darker shades/colors while here. Haha.

Going back now, some other things I'm eyeing from this shop are their biker shorts and their onesies or bodysuits. I'm someone who runs around, doing various errands in oversized tees/tshirts and biker shorts lately so I'm ecstatic to find a brand on Shopee PH that makes these and sells them at reasonable prices! I did buy most of my stash of biker shorts here, from this shopping app and site. However, I got them from a different seller that mass produced them for cheap. Quality-wise, it's alright and I've had them for a year in different colors and I still wear them on and off often. I like, more like love those I got for cheap but I have a feeling that Stitch It by J and C's biker shorts will be far superior in make because they're slightly pricier so yep, I'm definitely getting into those the soonest I can and when they restock in them in colors I like/prefer here:

....sadly, these stand alone biker shorts of theirs are now only available in peach now. They seem to have sold out in colors I like, like pancakes so...yep. That's sad. But it seems their biker shorts from the

....are still available in colors I like so we shall see with this one. I think I'll table getting these 'til much, much later and I'll just wait for them to restock the stand alone biker shorts linked earlier above this that's all almost gone rn.

I have yet to check out here below (it's also on Shopee PH and I'm not sure if they have a Lazada PH shop, however):

4. Costura Esencial(Shopee PH)

I'm not sure if their products, stuff on the page/their account on the orange shopping app really are made in locally here in the Philippines but I'm somewhat obsessed with anything islandy, beachy, striped lounge pants/trousers in light blue and I got one from, as I mentioned earlier, the Indonesian brand on the same shopping app/site, Herpalais and came back to me very airy, thin-ish? Then I discovered this just recently, the:

It's still available in light blue in my size (M to L and L to XL) so I'm currently just biding my time to get it rn. It's totally a fraction of Herpalais' (Shopee PH) beach pants/trousers and seems to be a good addition to that one in my closet. One review for this says it's pretty thick, it's cloth is so, so we'll see how this goes. I might get it with a free shipping voucher/coupon or so the soonest I can. Hehe. I like that it's in light green seersucker, light blue seersucker, and butter seersucker colors or shades so I have two options to choose from, light blue and the butter one. I kind of am into yellow, buttery colors or shades as much as I am into blue. I don't know either. Heh.

Other things I'm eyeing rn from Costura Esencial (Shopee PH)...hmn...I kind of like this bag:

I kind of like it in mono brown and pop OPG. 

I'm kind of a tote bag addict lately. Or I've always been like this that I'm racking up quite a collection of these said bags. I normally prefer them in bigger sizes, however. 

I don't know. I'll hold off from getting this one as it's, they're really not my cup of tea where tote bags go. I have other ones I have in mind from instagram and another Shopee site with cuter prints and designs for some reason. These are good options where tote bags for every day errands and such go, however.

I have two other tote bags I'm eyeing from the 'gram. One is from Anik-Anik, which is like, a sister account for mostly accessories of one vintage clothes-selling shop I like there, Threadful Club. And the other is from SunnySoul PH. I'm eyeing the latter in sand since I'm into lighter colors most days. The pink one from the former also seems to be the only pink in shirts and tote bags I like so far. I still dislike wearing too much pink and having too much pink around me so I can only have this color in doses like in tshirts and/or tote bags. 

I also like this dress from them but I'm not that obsessed with it:

It looks nice. Minimalistic and it's right up my alley but I don't know. Dresses with collars aren't really my thing, I prefer collars on tops, so I'm not too into this one. I'm not too obsessed with this one. It's a good everyday piece to wear to the beach, when it sunny outside and more, though. If you're into easy to wear dresses like this then definitely get this one from them!

So far, for this brand, Costura Esencial on Shopee PH, the only thing I'm eyeing from them that I really like are the lounge pants mentioned and linked above here. I'm not much of a pants and/or trousers girlie except sometimes like when I'm out somewhere formal or something, semi-formal outings even, but I can make an exception for stripped, pinstriped lounge pants that give off the I'm a beach bum vibe since this is such my thing, my vibe. If you get what I mean. A couple pairs of these (in light blue and butter) and that pair I just got from Herpalais on Shopee PH would be my go-to beach wear when I find myself in the tinier tropical islands the soonest this year or next year again.

....and that's it for my top 4 local makers and sellers on Shopee PH and 1 international one. Hehe. I'll add in more when I can somehow. Maybe when I discover more of them the soonest I can. 

I have yet to try these Isla lounge pants from them though so we'll see...


So I'm not entirely sure if 2, 3, and 4 are on Lazada PH but I'm sure 1 is there. If Lazada PH is more your place to shop stuff from then feel free to shop these there, especially for those from shop number 1. 

For some reason, I never really got too into Girl Almighty on Shopee PH stuff, their jeans mostly, because their sizing, based on the description of their denims/jeans, were too small for me. It would be good if they produced more of those in bigger sizing. For the record, I'm only midsized, somewhere between 14 and 16 now but I'm lose some weight over time. Anyway, so those put me off of this one for a while until their baby tshirts happened. I'm sincerely hoping the tee I just got from them fit right since it's in large. Spoiler for this one, it fit fine~ I'm happyyyy!

I mentioned earlier above that you have to be careful when you're buying clothing online. Pay attention to the listed details in the about the item portion of the selling or product page. In the case of shoes, some are advised to size up once or twice like in the case of me with my flat foot, those with wider, flatter feet. It's the same with clothes. You know your body well the most. You should know your size well too to avoid having to return things to the sender once you've received the item and you found it doesn't really fit or suit you. Check the reviews and ratings for products your buying or thinking of buying from Shopee PH because buyers often comment on the fit of the clothes, the shoes, even the jewelry and more. Take a cue from that one so you can size up or down as needed. 

Anyways, so yes, these are the 3...rather, 4 local brands I like that have been bugging me since I discovered them on the orange shopping app and site (Shopee PH) so far. 

Again, I'll report back once I get the Girl Almighty on Shopee PH tee here and on my public 'gram account. I'll do the same with and for the sepia brown boatneck top and midrise skorts set from Stitch It by J and C so...stay tuned for that one, too.

Oh and for those who are as interested in the clothing from Stitch It By J and C on Shopee PH, they just announced on their official 'gram some time ago that it's their anniversary. They also said they'll be giving out free gift/s with every purchase from their shop on the orange shopping app so yay! Hopefully I get one of those, too. I can never have one too many hair scrunchies these days since I seem to be almost always loosing or misplacing one or two of those here and there. They also have an ongoing giveaway here: Stitch It By J and C giveaway on the 'gram, if you'd like to join in on it. I already did some days ago right before I jumped on this very recent purchase from them, of course!

***** on consumption, the problem of overconsumption re: shopping apps/shop sites like Shopee PH *****

It's super easy to drown in the or among the unnecessary in an online shopping app like Shopee PH. Such is the case with others like Lazada PH and Zalora PH. It's the same for those that others prefer like Temu, Shein, and Tiktok shop. We get so into these apps and sites we end up realizing we've spent a ton of money at our disposal on a lot of useless, unnecessary, really low quality things from there that only end up cluttering our homes, our bedrooms. This is the case with me lately. Ish. the question now is this: how, exactly, do we curb ourselves from buying too much of those we hardly need or we will hardly use?

I'm struggling to find an answer to this, too, so I'm in the same boat with all of you. Haha. 

Mine is 1, just not going to the mall at all which is what I do daily as a homebody. I only get tempted to get food there now or some drinks (Macao Imperial Tea House's/Cafe's classic/original milk tea, Hongkong style is my go-to). I only go to the mall/s when I'm waiting for friends, family, people in general there and when I need to get cat treats for the cat and 2, I try not to browse Shopee PH as much as I can, when I can and just play the games (to earn coins) instead or write the reviews, ratings for past orders. Most of the time now, I succeed not buying much because hmn...I don't know, I prefer thrifting more anyways. But then again, I also thrift on Shopee PH occasionally so yeah, tough. I have it tough with this app on the phone and me accessing it online, on site using my laptop/computer.

On these, I'll do separate posts for thrifting on Shopee PH and Instagram one of these days. The thrifting scene on both's hard to's definitely more pleasant to the eyes when one thrifts on Instagram. Sellers there go above and beyond curating what they sell, making it presentable to the camera enough to entice anyone to buy stuff there, from the ones I like's shops. I've definitely seen a lot of luxury streetwear brands go for up to 1000-1500 Php and even 2000 Php up on there (say, maybe around 60-80 USD when converted). I really admire the dedication sellers have there to do their work of selling secondhand, vintage to people but also, sometimes I wonder who have the financial capacities to buy these things. Shopee PH thrifting depends. All I know is for both, I don't like going beyond Php 300 to 500 for a single piece of thrifted clothing unless I really can't get it off my mind days after coming across it and only when I can imagine how I can integrate that one into my wardrobe somehow.

3, I would only buy some thing/s when I really can't get one thing off of my mind and if/when it fits my budget fine. If I have 0 budget at all, then no, I'm not buying anything, I'd rather spend my money on and drinks. Lol. I can go on not buying anything for, like, a year or two, maybe even three unless I really think I need them. 

And lastly, 4, because Shopee PH offers ridiculously low pricing on stuff with their discount vouchers/coupons, free shipping vouchers/coupons, and the shopee coins you accumulate when you rate products you'd bought from them and play the games on their app, try not to hoard much. It's very tempting to hoard on some things you know you'll be using for a long time, I do this like with my Fairy Skin sunscreen and facial washes or bars, soaps but since I have an overflowing rack of these rn and some boxes, I've stopped or paused from doing this for now. 

There is this trend of underconsumption going on, on social media, youtube, instagram, Tiktok and more and some are doing no-buy or low-buy months, years and I will say I've done this back when I only earned a bit (totally bellow the living wage the past 2 or 3 jobs I'd had before...yep, I know, it sucks and it makes life, living here so exhausting) but I don't really think this is or these are the answer to overconsumption. There will always be that something we'll direly need eventually like maybe a new phone because our old one has died out, lived out its use or maybe new shoes/kicks because, well, we just need new ones and the old ones often get worn out after some wears anyway. More than these trends, I think what we direly need is to be more of mindful consuming/consumption, the things we consume. I'm not like some others who are all, like, all into the zero waste lifestyle and what I'm really saying here is let's keep track of what we buy and only buy what we need the most or what we'll make the most use of.  

***** Me, currently. Life, my whereabouts super quick updates. The things I'm up to, mostly. *****

I'm back on the 'gram, posting on the Krista account. I'm still ever the late 'grammer as a one-woman team here and everywhere else online I am in or find myself in but if you want to or feel like following what I'm up to, feel free to give me a follow there. And of course, since I love clothes and all so much, you'll find mostly thrift hauls, online shopping hauls and more there, too. 

Treasure Chest of Sorts or TCoS as I fondly call it now is currently rebranding to Tropical Gal Thrifts. I'm looking forward to curating stuff there for the tropical island girls like yours truly at heart. If you want to shop with me, my aesthetics and all, feel free to browse there once the collections go live the soonest I can get into them. See you there!

Oh and I'm also going to work on a few other things besides this highly curated shop I have in mind this week moving forward so keep a watchful eye out of these projects of mine that are still in my head rn.

The latter part of 2024 looks mighty busy for me to me. If you get what I mean here. Other than these work stuff, or more like side gigs, I also have some trips planned (1 already booked) and 1 concert to attend later. Heh. I'm already super behind on some blog posts on some past trips so I don't even know what I'm doing anymore here now. Lol. Definitely go to my instagram linked above if you want closer to real time updates on my whereabouts (that is, if you're into that anyways or just generally into clothes/fashion/style). 

I still have other personal stuff going on after those mentioned above so yep, we'll see. It's definitely a busy later half of the year for me and most of the time, I just don't feel like doing anything due to being easily overwhelmed by having so much going on in life. Does anybody else feel me on this? I'm pretty sure I'm not alone feeling like this so... 

***** I don't think I've ever really stopped thrifting. Ever. I'm semi-back at it now and more... *****

I hinted about me going back to my thrifty thrifter self above here if you can find the paragraphs of me talking about it, this. The Instagram shop rebranding, revival (or resuscitation), the occasional thrift haul posts on the public 'gram linked above and oh, I also have a youtube channel in the works for the shop, the thrifting, the styling and more. I'll link that youtube channel somewhere here when I've gotten it fixed. That's one thing I need to sit down on, too, now, like, as soon ish as possible.

There are more to come, like, a physical store the soonest and that may just be the first to happen because I have other friends waiting for this to happen, too. 

I think I'm just stuck with what I want to do with the instagram shop yet but I think I'll get there eventually.

Anyway, I'll take it one day at a time still, for now. I'm still, honestly, depressed, functioning but yeah, lately, spiraling so I don't know either. I'm still up and down, down and up, down and down, up and up, and down and down and down some more so I don't know either about this one. I'm working on my and I can only barely keep my head above water. It's probably why I'm on and off on social media and this blog lately and from a long time ago, too, went on hiatus from here.

Well...hopefully, things will continue to be good or better for me starting with this blogpost/entry after a long time of not having any. We'll see where this takes

Music, if you remember I used to post mvs from youtube of the day here back when I was more active here and I might get back to that. We'll see... I'm still very much into music. Yes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be seeing a concert this October if I wasn't, weren't into that anymore. I think...if you want to follow me going to some music events here and there all over the internet, I post some of these events I go to on youtube, more on my personal channel than in the thrifting and styling one, yes. I'll link that here, too. I rarely post much or vlog much about life, lifestyle as someone who's anxious, very anxious most of the time and functionally depressed so this is the least I can do about this one.

I don't know...anyway... How about you? How have you been doing these days?

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